kimberly clark
a company of trusted brands

the challenge
Kimberly Clark was aware of an issue with some of its Huggies baby wipes, which appeared to be contaminated with a bacteria. Where the bacteria was only an issue to people with sensitive skin, it appeared as black spots on the baby wipes.
A well-known company with a portfolio of brands, including Huggies, in more than 175 countries.
the enspire touch
Enspire was called in by Kimberly Clark’s Head of Corporate Affairs to provide issues management support to prepare a communications plan for a potential product recall for its Huggies baby wipes, of which some specific brands had bacteria present.
An Enspire consultant worked with Kimberly Clark’s Corporate Affairs, Legal, Marketing and Product teams to develop a holistic communications strategy and plan to manage the issue, including regular media monitoring.
After confirming the approach and working with industry and regulatory bodies, Kimberly Clark announced its product recall.
Where there was saturated coverage across social media and traditional media, commentary was in line with our announcement and was balanced.
This announcement happened on Christmas Eve, with the consultant providing on-call support over the Christmas and New Year period when the team was on skeleton staff.